Monday, December 21, 2009

Where I've Been

Cedar City-Land of the... Uh... Not A Whole Lot
I've been living in Cedar City, attending SUU. Let Me Tell Ya, In the land of nothing, I had so many adventures! I miss my dorm a whole lot! Let me just show you the many adventures that have happened!
Orientation- The Kissing of Statues
Kyli, Paul, James, and I had adventures some I wish I had pictures of! We went to the circle of statues on campus and took pictures of our undying love for the men! And then we went into the Sheep Tunnels! So wish I had pictures of Paul's fear!
Kyli has a thing for men who read to her teehee

James, James, James

"Short people got, nobody. Short people got, nobody. Short people got nobody to love!" Wait... yes they do! Kyli is there for them to love!!

Aristotle and I are forever! haha

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