My family are the most incredible peopl! I love you all so much! Both my legit DNA family and my family of friends that I have been able to get so close to! I love you guys so much! You have all been a huge blessing in my life thank you so much for everything!!! Here are some Family Funs

Funny Pose GO!

Gentri's forehead is shiny hahahahaha

In the cieling of the mexican restaraunt in Park City :)

Tay and Whit enjoy sharing jackets hahaha

Henry :) the cutest baby ever!!!!!!

My Family at the Cabin!! I <3 you guys!

What Whit and I looked Like from 4wheeling in the snow

Lydia and Me at Olive Garden!

Tay, Whit, Gen, and I on Thanksgiving :)


Ammon... Shoving a burrito in his mouth... hilarious!



Gentri Lee....

Gen is hiding from Ammon... in ammon's blanket...
oh no... pretty much every picture of hideous. haha! But I love them. haha! they're funny. :) I love your new blog (If I do say so myself) and I love that you post. Can't wait to see what else you post. :)
I just came over from Gentri's blog...I love your header picture- you are beautiful!
Gen, I love the pics of you they make me laugh! hahaha
Della, thank you so much! that's so sweet of you!
Cute families.
That was a fun trip.
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