Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Past 2 Months of Neglect to the Things That Matter

So.... It's been about 2 months since my last blog... I'm really sorry about that... I had some distractions and it just kinda distracted me from everything that is important to me. Update on the past two months, (and p.s. I will do a blog post soon with pictures and videos from the past two months) I met a kid, we started dating but dating other people too, I was completely twitterpated by him. And for the past month or so he was every second of everyday, and my family can vouch for that. I spent every second trying to make him happy which in the end made me start to neglect my old friends, my family, my missionary, my best friend Skyler on a mission, my church responsibilities, my work responsibilities, and the responsibilities I have to myself. Ya, he made me really happy, but he wasn't mine. He did what he told me he was going to do, date a lot. And in doing that he started dating a girl a lot. And he cares a lot about her now and he began caring more about the other girls than me. I, still, am really struggling with it and so broken, but I'm letting go because it's what I have to do for me, I need to be smart for the first time in awhile and let go and move on for my sake. So in turn with letting go I'm fixing everything I've done wrong lately. I'm gonna spend time with the friends I have neglected, I'm gonna continue management training at work, I'm gonna pay more attention to my missionary like I should be doing, I'm gonna write my best friend like I should have been doing, I'm going to be a better aunt to my nieces and nephew, I'm gonna be a better sister to my sisters, I'm going to be a better daughter to my parents, be better in my church calling, and I'm going to date as much as I can and try not to attach myself to anyone so that I can live and not get hurt.
This is my goal and my goal involves letting go of someone I care a lot about. But it is a responsibility I have to myself to make me happy again... Wish me luck... I'll need it.


Gentri said...

good luck. I'm glad you're coming back though. :) I've missed you. You're awesome and have awesome people that love and care about you.

Whitney Hope said...

I am proud of you!

Chablis said...

so, I figured he was out of the picture because I never heard about him anymore. But why don't you tell me these things??

Just so you know, we LOVE having you around (the kids and I), so I'm glad you will be. :)

KennaLee said...

haha ya we kinda stopped talking and rarely see each other now. it's great. I love being with you and the kids too! it's been way fun!!! I love you chib!!!