So, the summer before my Senior year of High School, so almost 2 years ago, I had a knee injury, didn't know what I had done to it all I knew was that my knee hurt really badly. Well, back in like November-ish I went to my doctor and said, "Doctor, my knee still hurts! What is wrong?" and he said, "Kenna, let's x-ray your knee!" so, we did an x-ray and nothing was wrong with the bones. "Kenna, let's have you get an MRI!" said Doctor. So, I went and got an MRI done and then Doctor said to me, "Kenna, you have a signal in your meniscus which means it's not completely torn but it's definately damaged. Let's give you a cortizone shot and see if that fixes it, if not we'll do surgery." Doctor gave me a cortizone shot which hurt worse than
ANYTHING I had ever felt in my life... It hurt like a couple words that I do not approve of myself... Well, it's been about a month since my shot and my knee is only getting worse. And since I go country dancing every week and party it up all the time, it's not really helping. So Doctor called me and said, "Kenna, we need to do surgery considering your knee still hurts." Yay me! I get to have a knee scope on my knee. Here I'll show you a picture of what's going on inside of my knee:

This is the damaged part of the meniscus. The string-like object running across the middle of the picture is a piece of meniscus that had torn loose and would float around and get caught in the knee joint, causing it to lock up.
This is what my meniscus should look like:

O... btw the blue isn't really what your knee looks like... here look at real live color pictures of what my knee looks like:

Where the silver pointer is pointing is where the torn meniscus is just kinda floating around. YAY me!! I have a messed knee!
OO and the best part is, is what I get to go into! Here look at what's gonna go down:

They go into my knee and then to take the torn part of my meniscus:

Doctor grabs the torn meniscus and then shaves the lumpy edge off to smooth it out, washes the debry out with some sterile crapola, then stitches the two sides of my meniscus together!
Well... this is gonna be an adventure... for recovery I'll be on cruthces, some people only need them for a day or two, but sometimes patients are not allowed to put weight on their foot for 6 weeks! Wow, really!?!?!? Aw man... Well, wish me luck!
EEw. :/ well hopefuly it'll be better soon!
i agree!
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