So... Basically Gamma is the best thing of my life!!! Gamma is a chapter of Lambda Delta Sigma of which I am a part of officially as of thursday!! whoot!!!! I'm no longer a pledge! The experience to become an active has been so fun and I've already made so many close friends!

These girls are my sisters, wow I totally feel like I'm in House Bunny, Sydney White, and Legally Blonde hahahaha. And because Gamma is an LDS sorority we have 24 hour fasts together, have testimony meetings, lessons, the whole hooplah! As a sorority we went to Bryndy's cabin for a retreat, can you say hecka fun!!! We played funny games took hilarious pictures, talked all night, the works. And around 3 AM all of us were finally starting to fall asleep except a group of girls who were talking in the kitchen when all of a sudden we hear this BOOM BOOM BOOM! I thought the girls were really hyper and just making a rucas. Ya... kinda irritated and then all of a sudden we hear 4 boys yell RAWR!!!!!!!!!!!! And then the girls screaming bloody murder. All of us in beds shot up and were freaking out cuz there were boys in the cabin. So we go downstairs and find a group of Chi boys with shaving cream all over their faces and they were dressed in all black. I felt so bad because two of the boys picked up our little beency girl, Kylee and threw her outside in the snow as she was bawling! Afterwards it was hilarious if you watch this video you can see what all went down.
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Anywho... the last Gamma thing to happen was our ceremony to make pledges actives. We all fasted for 24 hours on either: Sisterhood, Scholarship, Service, or Spirituality. We then broke it together and had a testimony meeting about it. Well, here are some pictures of all the adventures so far of Gamma.

It looks like a lot of fun! Though I keep hearing bad report from others of attitude and behavior changes. (that sounds really prudey) but I just have to say it! I love you, have fun, but don't be stupid.
You look very pretty in those pictures.
i haven't had any behavior changes lol. i am out almost every night but that's cuz i have a social life now. lol the people i'm with are incredible people they don't do anything bad. no worries chib lol :) love you. and thanks that's really sweet :)
That looks really really great hun! I love you so very much. Im glad you're hangin out with a good group of friends. Just dont forget little ole me up here in logan utah.
whit i don't think i could EVER forget you! don't you worry your little head :) teehee
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